Google Plus for Business

Within the first few weeks in July 2011 of Google+,  it was reported that more than 20 million people were using the new social network of Google by Larry Page. In contrast then in July 2011, Facebook had already 750 million users.

Does your prospective buyer, vendors and customers actually use this network.  How easy or difficult it is to reach them.

Good Examples of Google+ Users

Some of them are like Chris Brogan, Danie Ware, David Thomas, Nick Bilton, Rick Klau, Scott McCloud.

Your About Page:  The elements of your profile page are a photo avatar, your name, a small summary of yourself below your name, a spot for your introduction, your occupation, your employment rights, your education, placed where you lived, relationship status, your birthday, your gender, your nickname, a spot for links where you can insert links to other social media.
You can choose to let people send you email via your profile page. They can’t actually see your actual Gmail address.

Google Circles: Google+ enables you to organize the people you choose to follow by adding them to circles. This means that you have opted to receive any public posts they’ve shared plus, if they choose to follow you back and add you to one of their circles. You can look by going into

Your circle names can be from close, keepers, good people, attention getters, journalist, marketing. Users of  Google+  coined circles outbound or inbound. You can order and rearrange your circles listed in the order that you choose.  Should you circle celebrities? Why not? Feel free to put a circle of them. As Google+ becomes more popular it will get noisier.

An outbound circle is to group together people in a circle so that you can send them specific information, while not sending it out to others.  You can put more people in one circle.

Google+ is not a blog and it is more than Twitter.

  1. Post interesting information on Google+
  2. Post a few off topic on Google+
  3. Write a post offering a paid webinar for a deeper dive, end with the link to the buying page with Google+
  4. Grow your audience with Google+
  5. Use it as an education tool with Google+
  6. A customer service channel with Google+
  7. A community platform with Google+
  8. A media centre with Google+
Google is making a lot of changes to Google+ and in February 8th 2013,  Google+ enables you to add links to a website on in a community’s left navigation column. Adding a link to your community is easy. Just enter what you want to name thelink and add the website URL . Events are now showing the local time zone. Again I also hear that the events has changed back to showing your local time. Google changed this a while back to only show the time of the person who created the event. This should be helpful for many.

As Google continues to merge its new and former products, getting setup with Google Authorship should be a top priority for business owners and webmasters. Google is piloting the display of author information in search results to help users discover great content. It’s widely believed that Google Authorship is the first step toward verifying author identity, which will be used to calculate Author Rank, which I believe is the future of Google’s algorithm.

Set up authorship by linking your content to your Google+ profile

Create a link to your Google+ profile from your webpage, like this:
<a href=”[profile_url]?rel=author”>Google</a>
Replace [profile_url] with the your Google+ profile URL, like this:
<a href=” ?rel=author”>Google</a>
NOTE: Your link must contain the ?rel=author parameter. If it’s missing, Google won’t be able to associate your content with your Google+ profile.
Add a reciprocal link back from your profile to the site(s) you just updated.
2. Edit the Contributor To section.
3. In the dialog that appears, click Add custom link, and then enter the website URL.
4. If you want, click the drop-down list to specify who can see the link.
5. Click Save.

Read More:

Link your Google+ profile to the content you create
I recommend this book  Learn how Google Social Network Changes Everything by Chris Brogan. You can purchase it on Amazon.


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